Has always been to provide the best rugged mobile technology to business.
We provide:
Compact, simple range of rugged hardware, carefully chosen to become part of our "Raptor" family.
Meet the RaptorsSimple support services that are easy to use. Focussed on being fast, costing less and saving you time.
Find supportOur 20 years in the rugged industry means we can bring that little bit extra helping you work out your rugged platform.
Pick ServicesEverything we do is aimed at making your life simple. You'll see the difference from sale to support.
No pushy sales people here, just passionate Sales Engineers that understand, listen and advise.
A person always available, adding consistency, reducing stress, wasted time and frustration.
Simple services, run through our portal that's easy to use, saves your time and doesn't steal your data.
No middle men here means we're fast, whether that's a quote, special price or support.
No project too big, no customer too small!, local, global.
We have all the data capture expertise needed to help you select the right equipment and get your projects running efficiently.
Our passion for ruggedness and all things mobile means we're focused on technology, and always focused on you.
About us